in 1947 after the war , the onoko nishi (west ) tramline was removed , and the rails were returned to their original straight form and given back to the yuragawa-river dam construction office of ministry of interior . 戦後の1947年には小野子西軌道が撤去され、レールは元通りの直線に延ばされて内務省由良川堰堤工事事務所に返却された。
however , although the section was specified as a provisional tramline , the grades of the roadbeds and rails used there were higher than those used for the honkoku tramline , as the rails used there were borrowed from the yuragawa-river dam construction office of ministry of interior (in japan ). しかし、この区間は仮軌道とは言いながらも線路を内務省 (日本)の由良川堰堤工事事務所から借用したものを使用するなど、路盤も線路も本谷軌道より高規格のものが使用された。
as these dam construction plans were the biggest issue concerning the research forest that had been faced since the war , the discussions involving the university staff concerned , the land owners , the administration , kansai electric power , and the local residents that were conducted to give the participants a chance to express their support for or opposition to the plans continued for a number of years . このダムの建設計画は、戦後の演習林の最大の問題として、大学関係者や地権者、行政、関西電力、住民を巻き込んで長年にわたり賛否両論の立場から議論が行われた。