dam construction 意味

発音を聞く:   dam constructionの例文
  • ダム建設{けんせつ}


  1. in 1947 after the war , the onoko nishi (west ) tramline was removed , and the rails were returned to their original straight form and given back to the yuragawa-river dam construction office of ministry of interior .
  2. however , although the section was specified as a provisional tramline , the grades of the roadbeds and rails used there were higher than those used for the honkoku tramline , as the rails used there were borrowed from the yuragawa-river dam construction office of ministry of interior (in japan ).
    しかし、この区間は仮軌道とは言いながらも線路を内務省 (日本)の由良川堰堤工事事務所から借用したものを使用するなど、路盤も線路も本谷軌道より高規格のものが使用された。
  3. as these dam construction plans were the biggest issue concerning the research forest that had been faced since the war , the discussions involving the university staff concerned , the land owners , the administration , kansai electric power , and the local residents that were conducted to give the participants a chance to express their support for or opposition to the plans continued for a number of years .


        dam construction project:    ダム建設{けんせつ}計画{けいかく}[プロジェクト]
        declaration against dam construction:    脱ダム宣言{せんげん}
        large dam construction:    大ダム工事{こうじ}
        national dam construction project:    国のダム建設計画{けんせつ けいかく}
        remain partial to dam construction:    相変わらず{あいかわらず}ダム建設{けんせつ}に対し非常{ひじょう}に好意的{こういてき}である
        suspend construction of the huge dam:    その巨大{きょだい}ダムの建設{けんせつ}を中止{ちゅうし}する
        vehemently opposed to dam construction:    《be ~》ダム建設{けんせつ}に猛反対{もう はんたい}する
        dam:     1dam n. ダム; せき. 【動詞+】 build a dam ダムを建造する The torrent burst the dam. 出水でせきが切れた install a dam ダムを架設する Maintaining the dams costs millions of dollars. ダムの維持には数百万ドルかかる
        construction:     construction n. 建設(業); 建造物; 建築様式; 構成, 構造; 解釈. 【動詞+】 accelerate construction of badly-needed housing 緊急に必要な住宅建設を促進する The sentence does not bear such a construction. この文はそんなふうには解釈できない
        in construction with:    ~と構造{こうぞう}を成して
        a tinker's dam:     a tinker's dam ((俗))[否定文で] まったく(…ない) not care a ~'s dam まったく気にかけない. (a tínker's dám ?mdámn?C((?p))cúss?n
        abutment of dam:    ダム取付部{とりつけ ぶ}
        ad dam:    {地名} : ダム◆サウジアラビア
        agricultural dam:    農業用{のうぎょう よう}ダム
        air dam:    エアダム、通気遮断壁{つうき しゃだん へき}


  1. "dam back inflation" 意味
  2. "dam back one's tears" 意味
  3. "dam body" 意味
  4. "dam break" 意味
  5. "dam building" 意味
  6. "dam construction project" 意味
  7. "dam controller" 意味
  8. "dam crest" 意味
  9. "dam dim" 意味
  10. "dam break" 意味
  11. "dam building" 意味
  12. "dam construction project" 意味
  13. "dam controller" 意味

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